Welcome to the wonderful world of motherhood! As a fellow first-time Mama, I wanted to share my experiences in the hopes of helping another Mama navigate this wild ride for the first time. So, grab a cup of tea, get comfortable and let’s dive into a rollercoaster ride filled with love and adorable chaos together!
The first few weeks are like a crash course in survival mode, where you’ll constantly battle with sleep deprivation, feeding, and nappy changing. You’ll feel like a milk-producing machine and wonder if you’ll ever have a moment to yourself again. And let’s not forget about the joys of burping, poo explosions, and the never-ending washing pile. Whoever suggested “sleep when your baby sleeps” obviously never tried to take a shower, eat, and pee at the same time!
As a first-time mummy, you’re in for a treat, honey! It’s going to be a steep learning curve, a whirlwind, but a treat nonetheless. Here are a few tips from me to you:
As a first-time Mama, let me tell you, it’s quite the adventure! It’s a steep learning curve, a whirlwind of emotions, but an adventure worth embarking on. Allow me to share a few vulnerable moments and a sprinkle of humour I’ve experienced along the way:
Labour and delivery will put your mental and physical strength to the ultimate test. You may have a birth plan, but babies have their own agenda! All I can say is that the pain you’ll experience is on a whole new level, but the moment you hold your little bundle of joy in your arms, you’ll forget about all of it. Trust me, it’s a magical amnesia.
You’ll suddenly find yourself in high demand as a baby expert. People will flock to you for advice on everything from breastfeeding to nappy rash, and you’ll confidently spout things you’ve only read on the internet!!!
You will catch yourself referring to yourself in the third person as “Mama.” “Mama’s going to change your nappy now.” “Mama’s going to sneak away for a quick cry in the shower.” We all need those moments!
You’ll develop a newfound and deeply profound appreciation for caffeine! That morning cup of coffee will become your lifeline, your sanity and your best friend. You may even start contemplating lining up espresso shots, just to keep up with the demands of Motherhood!
Get ready to become a multitasking pro. You’ll learn how to feed your baby while scrolling through Instagram, change a nappy while having a telephone conversation, and master the art of rocking a baby to sleep while binge-watching Netflix. It’s like a one-woman circus act!
You’ll gain a whole new level of respect for your own mother. You’ll look at her in awe, wondering how she managed to raise you and your siblings without completely losing her mind!
Oh, sleep! You’ll develop a newfound appreciation for those blissful hours of slumber. You’ll daydream about the days when you used to sleep for eight uninterrupted hours, and a 90-minute nap will feel like a luxurious escape to a tropical paradise.
Amidst the chaos, you’ll learn to cherish the little things in life. A clean nappy, a burp, a smile – these small victories will become cause for celebration. You’ll find joy in the tiniest milestones and realise how incredibly rewarding it is to witness your baby’s growth.

Despite the sleepless nights, endless feedings, and nappy blowouts, your love for your baby will grow exponentially every single day. Being a Mama is truly the greatest gift of all, my lovely friend. Remember to laugh at the absurdity of it all, take care of yourself, and never hesitate to ask for help. If you’re lucky enough to have friends who are already seasoned parents, they understand exactly what you’re going through and won’t judge you.
Being a first-time mommy is a crazy, hilarious, and beautiful journey – so buckle up and enjoy the ride, gorgeous!
Gemma x